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Estudos e Relatórios
Relatório de Atividades 2022 |
Compulsory education in Europe 2022/2023 |
The structure of the European education systems 2022/2023: schematic diagrams |
Education at a Glance 2022: OECD Indicators |
The state of the field of computational thinking in early childhood education |
Review of Inclusive Education in Portugal, Reviews of National Policies for Education |
When Practice Meets Policy in Mathematics Education: A 19 Country/Jurisdiction Case Study |
Relatório de Avaliação da Implementação das Aprendizagens Essenciais |
OECD Review of Well-being Policies and Practices in Dubai’s Private School Sector |
Embedding Values and Attitudes in Curriculum |
Teaching as a Knowledge Profession |
Para uma Avaliação Pedagógica: Dinâmicas e Processos de Formação no Projeto MAIA (2020-2021) |
OECD Schooling, Teachers and Teaching project |
How families handled emergency remote schooling during the Covid-19 lockdown in spring 2020 |
Equity in school education in Europe: Structures, policies and student performance |
Estudo de Avaliação da Reorganização do Calendário Escolar |
Recomendações para a Melhoria das Aprendizagens dos Alunos em Matemática |
Estudo Avaliativo da Experiência Pedagógica PAFC |